It's a wallet with a sketchbook inside - Now with new features!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Still in customs :-(
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 06:46:29 AM
Just a quick update... The shipment has been in customs since the 13th. I wanted to wait until it was released to give you some good news but I didn't want to leave you hanging too long. So... I'm hoping it'll be released any day now and then it'll arrive here a day or two later. I'm only a few hours from LA so it won't take long. The lesson learned here is don't make any shipping promises anywhere close to Black Friday because all freight and customs are going to be busy. The good news is we're ready to ship them, I have all the shipping supplies ready to just add the rewards and drop in the mail. Keep your fingers crossed!
A mountain of shrink-wrapped Inky stickers ready to go into your rewards!
Sharing The Love!
Parker Jacobs, the swell guy who designed the PJ doodle Little Sketchy wallet, has a cool project going on right now. It's...
If you're looking for some groovy stuff for Christmas the kids are going to love this! It's the hottest holiday item of whatever year this is! The newest seasonal tradition starts right now! And everything has been"Santa-tized" for your protection due to the "Panda-mic"! Read & Sing along with us! He's got music, a book, plushies, t-shirts and pins. Go check it out at
It's on its way!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 02:49:46 PM
Hey y'all! Good news, the factory has shipped them to me. The bad news is (because of everyone's rush to get products for black Friday) instead of the normal 3 days shipping it will take 15 days :-( That's my fastest shipping option.
So... we missed the October target date. But they're done and on there way. Stay tuned!
Now for some....
Anthony Holden, one of my favorite humans, has a Kickstarter right now for two new books! He's a freakishly talented cartoonist and storyteller. Please support his Kickstarter!
Factory Is Wrapping Up
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 08:26:14 PM
Hey everyone, just checking in. The factory is wrapping up and should be ready to ship everything out on the 26th. I should have them about three days later and will be ready to start shipping them to you. This is completely insane that the Kickstarter ended two weeks ago and your rewards are almost ready to ship out.
I'll let you know when I get them and what to expect as far as shipping goes. After they ship, you can log into Backerkit to get your tracking number.
Don't forget to fill out the survey if you haven't yet. It's the only way to get your stuff :-)
If you have any questions please email: [email protected] - Keep drawing!
Surveys started :-)
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 02:10:57 PM
Surveys have started. Backerkit requires me to send out only 5% of the surveys first to troubleshoot any potential problems. So 5% of you will get your survey today. If those go well, the rest will go out shortly after.
Add ons! Please note that add-ons are available for backers at Kickstarter prices. Others will not be getting these deals. Also note that we are sold out of the original size blank sketchbooks on our web store so you are getting first dibs on the small amount of stock I'm getting in. Once those are gone the next batch won't be in until the end of November.
So keep your eyes peeled for surveys in the next few days as they roll out.
Keep creating!
Thank you!
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 12:17:30 PM
Thank you everyone!
You made it happen. Yesterday I couldn't do anything except stare at the screen all day. I'd take breaks and go for walks or work on other stuff but I kept coming back to the screen. For a while there it kept teetering back and forth on $22,000. Someone would pledge and it would hit $22, 000, we'd celebrate and then someone would cancel and it would go back to 21something. We did that cycle a couple times towards the end. Don't get me wrong, I was happy with $21something but when we were just $1 shy if $22,000 your OCD kicks in. It can't stay at $21,999. It's like pumping gas and it stops at $19.99. You know you have to squeeze another penny in, you can't leave it like that.
Thankfully, a couple last minute people came through and we broke through that barrier.
What's Next?
You'll be getting an email early next week with a link to the survey. We'll be using Backerkit to do our survey's. In the survey you'll be able to pick colors, add extra's if you want and confirm your address. You may have noticed we're out of original size blank sketchbooks on our webpage. I'll be getting a small batch in and will make them available to you as add-ons before the general public in case we run out. We hit our stretch goal so we'll be adding a heavy-duty sticker to everyone's rewards.